Weak hair are now a days a state of more concern between ladies. Split ends, grey hair & dandruff are the various problems related with hair. Beautiful & healthy hair are nature's best gift to u. Hair fall in weak hair can occur due to various reasons
* lack of proper diet.
* drinking less water.
* not giving proper oil massage to hair......
If u have 10-25 hair fall a day then its normal but if u have more hair fall then this u have to do for ur hair...So u have to stop them from hair fall.

Stop Hair FallHow ?
Its simple just follow these tips.
# Use mild shampoo & conditioner for ur hair.
# Avoid blow drying & curling iron on ur hair. But in case u want to use them then proper condition ur hair.
# Use broad toothed comb to de-tangle ur hair.
# Use mask of coriander juice for 1/2 hour then wash hair.
# Mix curd & henna, Keep it overnight. During morning time add 1 egg & lemon juice in it. Apply on ur hair & when it gets dry then wash ur hair.
# Wash ur hair with mix of curd & black pepper to provide strength to ur hair.
# Massage ur hair with olive oil to make hair roots strong.
# If u want to have long hair use coconut oil for ur hair.
# Give a Spa treatment to ur hair with hot & cold water. Take two bowls, one with warm water & other with cold water. Dip a towel in warm water & wrap ur hair in it for 2 mins. After give same treatment with cold water. Repeat it upto 5 times.
# Gooseberry/ Amla oil can also be use to strengthen ur hair.
Caring ur hair is in ur own hands...
* Nutritious diet.
* Go for Morning Walk daily.
* Use lukewarm water to wash ur hair.
* Apply curd on hair once in a week.
* Use Herbal shampoo for ur hair.
* Use Scarf or Umbrella to protect ur hair from damage caused by UV rays of Sun.
* Massage ur hair twice a week with warm oil.
* Wash ur hair with Gooseberry or Amla to get rid of all scalp related problems
* Give Spa treatment to ur hair.
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