To look fresh during summers follow the following tips:

* In Summers our skin becomes patchy due to the damage cause by sun rays. To make ur skin spotless u can use this remedy ...Soak rice in milk for an hour then make its paste & apply it on ur face. Let it be dry & then massage it in circular motion. This will help to remove the dead skin & make it supple n beautiful.
* We all love to eat Mangoes during summer. So massage ur face with the mango seed for 10 mins. The Pulp will help to tight ur skin as well as it 'll act as moisturiser too. Wash ur face after 15-20 mins.
* Drink lots of water to clean up ur skin & to make ur skin acne free.
* To control excessive screation of oil from an oily skin, give it a steam treatment. Remove whiteheads or blackheads with steel remover.
* Apply paste of gram flour, turmeric powder, honey & rose water on ur skin, let it be dry & wash it afterwards. This help to make ur skin glow.
* Wear cotton or linen clothes in summers so that ur body can also breath.
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