Invitation: Design ur baby invitation cards by placing his snap on the card in which he will be inviting the guests to come on his 1st birthday.
Party Decor: u can design ur party with different themes like alibaba n 40 thieves,
harry potter or u can also place his toys around the room.
Food: Cake should be designed according to ur party theme or according to ur baby likes as if he like teddies, give it a shape of teddy. Also try to have finger food as little ones love such food.
Memory Book: u can also prepare a memory book of ur baby in which the guests will
be writing their wishes for ur child & u can lock it in any locker & present it to ur baby on his 16th birthday.
Games: As its a special day & u want that everyone enjoy the party so try these games for children & adults.
1.Catch the toy: This game is for little ones who r of same age of ur baby. Make them sit in a row & place the toys away from them. One who try to get to the toy first will be the winner.
2.One minute game: Like u can place 2 bowls. One bowl should be empty & one should be filled with gems. Ask the children to put the gems with straw n put into another bowl n who put maximum gems in empty bowl will be the winner.
3.Musical Chair: Put the chairs as many u want opposite to each other in a row. Start playing the music & take out a chair every time the music is off. At last the one who is sitting on a chair will be the winner.
Return Gift: Gift ur each guest with a photo frame so that they can place baby birthday photograph. Also gift children with small gift hampers which may include toffees, chocolate, pen or mugs........
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