Focus On The Positive Attributes
Before marriage everyone try to be big lovers like the Sohni-Mahiwal, Shiri-Farah & of couse like Romeo-Juliet. But after marriage that passion comes to an end slowly & steadily. As after marriage the responsibility increases & the time u spend with eachother before marriage decreases. Once the initial rush of hormones wears off, its easy to start seeing the other person & rather unflattering eyes that don't really make for good news. Try to look at the good part also, before marriage what u liked in ur betterhalf, do u remember that? Now try to see him in new prespective & fall in love with him again. Admire him everyday & stay in love. If u liked the muscled hunk man, or u like his green eyes try to find new things like how he cares for u when u fall ill, he's doing this hard work only for u, see how he provides for ur every need. Look at the positive attributes & u will start loving him again.
Before marriage everyone try to be big lovers like the Sohni-Mahiwal, Shiri-Farah & of couse like Romeo-Juliet. But after marriage that passion comes to an end slowly & steadily. As after marriage the responsibility increases & the time u spend with eachother before marriage decreases. Once the initial rush of hormones wears off, its easy to start seeing the other person & rather unflattering eyes that don't really make for good news. Try to look at the good part also, before marriage what u liked in ur betterhalf, do u remember that? Now try to see him in new prespective & fall in love with him again. Admire him everyday & stay in love. If u liked the muscled hunk man, or u like his green eyes try to find new things like how he cares for u when u fall ill, he's doing this hard work only for u, see how he provides for ur every need. Look at the positive attributes & u will start loving him again.
Just think once what u r doing here if he don't loves u, u might be somewhere else. And we all are here for love. Try to give more, nothing will be going with u only that goes is the love u spread.
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