White is a perfect shade for summers. It gives cool & relaxing appeal. So here r some tips to keep ur white actually white....
*Hot water keeps clothes white. Use the hottest water the fabric can withstand. Give a look at the instructions on the garments.
*Do not wash white clothes with coloured ones.
*Too much detergent can lead to unwanted deposits. So rinse ur clothes properly.
*If u get the supply of hard water, then use an additive to soften the water. An easy way is to add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the water used for the last rinse.
*Do not use chlorine bleach for white fabric as it will discolour ur white n make the fabric weak.
*Try adding 250gms of 3percent hydrogen peroxide to ur wash. This solution is generally available at all pharmacies.
*Add 1/2 cup lemon juice to the rinse cycle of ur washing machine (medium load) or
to the last rinse if hand washing.
*For dirty rings around the collars of a shirt, squirt some shampoo onto the area & rub it in with a nail brush before washing. U can also try rubbing baking soda or white chalk
*Dry pure cotton whites in the sun they will acquire a clean shine.
i think i can't follow that tips...because my son is very hyper active....lol
ReplyDeletebut, thank you for sharing this.
This is superb suggestions for white cottons. If the steps are followed as suggested, the cotton materials will keep for years. And most of all, it will not fluff if you do not bleach them with chlorine. Thanks for sharing.